This descriptor is included as a member of the service class. 这个描述符被包括在服务类成员之中。
Next, the server object's setClass() method is used to attach a service class to the server. 接下来,服务器对象的setClass()函数用于将一个服务类附加到服务器上。
Create a service class for each API class. 创建所有API类的服务类。
The performance block will be inspected for a transaction name, and if one exists, it can be used to assign a service class for the optimized local adapter EJB request. 将对该性能块进行检查以获取事务名,如果存在事务名,可将其用于为优化的本地适配器EJB请求分配服务类。
A new request comes in and stays in the new service class work queue. 新的请求传入并滞留在新的服务分类工作队列中。
Conversely, you can use the following as parameters or return values in a Web service class method 相反,可以在Web服务类方法中使用以下内容作为参数或返回值
The simple frontend allows the developer to code the Web service class without any annotations as a pure POJO. 该简易前端允许开发人员在不使用注释的情况下以纯POJO形式对Web服务类进行编码。
This can be verified by the service class name printed with the invocation message. 这一点可以通过随调用消息输出的服务类名称得到验证。
In this article, you have learned the requirements for the service class in JAX-RPC Web services. 在本文中,您已经了解了JAX-RPCWeb服务中对于服务类的要求。
The Action class calls the getNews() method in the Model service class by passing a predefined Data Access Object. Action类通过传递预定义的数据访问对象来调用模型服务类中的getNews()方法。
Implement the API methods in the service class as public instance methods. 在服务类中实现作为公共实例方法的API方法。
This could prevent you from exploiting "service class mapping" within an application. 这可能阻止您在应用程序中利用“服务分类映射”。
Listing 4 sets up a standalone service class containing two methods. 清单4创建了一个单独的服务类,它包含两个函数。
The framework's main logical units are service class, endpoints, and host environment. 框架的主要逻辑性单元是服务类,末端点以及主机环境。
When you select a service class, Performance Expert automatically highlights the correlating sub-service class. 在选择一个服务类时,PerformanceExpert会自动地突出显示相关联的子服务类。
The service class implements the methods defined in the API class. 该服务类将实现API类中定义的方法。
To understand the next command, you need a basic knowledge of the WLM concept of service class. 要理解下一个命令,您需要基本了解服务类的WLM概念。
The API class is attached with the service class using the web_service_api option. 该API类是使用webserviceapi选项与服务类绑定在一起的。
This step requires a default service class, for which messages of unknown priority type can be assigned. 此步骤需要一个缺省服务分类,用于分配未知优先级类型的消息。
Also, notice that the service class does not implement any interfaces. 另外,请注意,这个服务类并没有实现任何接口。
This helps the service class instance relinquish the resources it is using. 这有助于服务类实例放弃它正在使用的资源。
Creating a service using the adapter includes creating a service class with the service descriptor that represents the SOAP service. 创建一个使用适配器的服务,包括创建一个使用服务描述符(代表SOAP服务)的服务类。
The service class simply writes out the values as a small XML file in a temporary location. 这个服务类只是在一个临时位置中以一个XML小文件的形式写出一些值。
A scoped service is represented using an@ Scope annotation on either the service's interface definition or on the service class. 确定了范围的服务通过在服务的接口定义或服务类上使用@ScopeAnnotation加以表示。
Through modernized network distribution, we are improving ourselves on service class and efficiency day by day. 我们依托现代化的销售网络,正在不断地提升自己的服务档次和效率。
This property contains the Guid of the service class that service instance referencing this message belongs to. 此属性包含引用该消息的服务实例所属的服务类的guid。
These operation signatures also appear in the web service class file if the associated application is implemented already. 如果关联的应用程序已经实现,则这些操作签名还显示在web服务类文件中。
In your code, create an instance of the web service class. 在代码中,创建web服务类的一个实例。
However, this type will appear with its generic portion in the web service class file. 但是,在web服务类文件中,该类型将附带其泛型部分出现。
This service class is implemented in the same way as the other services. 这个服务类与其他服务的实现方式一样。